Safe Raves

The 'Safe Rave' project is a Youth Provision to keep under 18's off the street and minimise alcohol and drug misuse.

It provides a safe space in an exciting venue that attracts a great number of under 18's.

This Police Diversion scheme keep's under 18's from causing a nuisance in their community, by providing a 'Rave' style atmosphere, with loud electronica music, lasers, U.V and Glow-Sticks. There is also advice and help offered should any of the Young Attendees approach staff volunteers for help.

We have had some Huge names come and perform for the under 18's, such as, THePETEBOX, SHOOKZ & MC SPYDA, and NICKY BLACKMARKET. Attracting 100's of under 18's to our unique Youth Venue.

This National Award winning Youth provision is FREE to attend, and has no membership!
Find us on Facebook - 'DropInn Safe Raves'

BeTHERE! - 2009 - Pilot
The first 'safe raves' were called BeTHERE! and advertised as a live social experiment. It was the beginning of the award winning under 18's night. In the pilot stage there were 6 events, which ended with our first music A list name MC Spyda (World Famous MC)

F7/10 - 2010 - Feature Part I
Varied Genres:
> Beatbox - The Petebox
> House - Dirty Bear
> Techno - Dave Angle
> Hiphop - Squiggz
> Dubstep - Operand
> Drum and Bass - Shookz
> Grime - Aura
> A List - Nicky blackmarket

F7/10 - 2011 / 2013 - Feature Part II
Varied Themes:
> Secret - ??
> A Spring Dnb - Drum and Bass Easter Bunny
> Formular Filth - Alternative science
> Eighteenth - Anniversary
> Reanimated - Halloween Skairwerks
> Awol - Army Leaving Do
> Valentines - Bass music Romance
> Exit - End party

Safe Rave Bassmeant Sessions 2015
> Coming soon

After running this very successful under 18's night for years we have started branding out into other communities across Derbyshire with the 'Safe House� training package. The package is delivered by node56 (The Drop Inn's sister company) and the project aims to involve community cohesion and improve capability. It let's the young people engage and take the lead running and hosting their own events, which also tackle the same issues surrounding young people on Friday nights, whilst also building their own confidence and skills.

For more current Youth events check out our 'Takeover' Project.

Check out our Facebook page for updates or events.


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