
Multimedia has become a huge part of The Drop Inn organisation especially over the last 5 years. Our multimedia facilities are always improving. We now have excellent music facilities in our music room, the Jamjar. All our film work is edited and shot my our lens based media team know as DecoyTV. Most of our training and presentations take place in the Cinn which is our projection space. Creative workshops like DJing are ran in the main space in the DJ Drop Zone and through our Frankenstein Sound System. We also have a smart board used for a games terminal and a second interactive presentation point for training. Over the last 3 years we have developed our own art collective called Arc.

Our mulitimedia project have led us to meet some amazing people in creative industries.

Advertisement, tagged and Drop Inn clothes.

Game design project.
Please check out our hide online game Drop Innvaders.
Drop Innvaders - Please be patient when waiting for the game to load, it's really addictive once you start playing. We are one of the only Youth Centres with their own personalised game that was specially created for them, hope you enjoy it. The controls are in the game but, if You want to get straight in there killing space ships the basic controls are: Press the space bar to fire and use the arrow keys to navigate Your Drop Inn Space Ship. Look out for the health box, weapons upgrades and over-shields! If You are having trouble seeing the game, please follow this link below and download the most recent Flash Player. (Flash Player Download)


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All Logos & Trademarks used on this website are Registered Trademarks or Trademarks of the respective owners and are in no way affiliated with The Drop Inn